
Knee Pain Causes, Reasons, and Treatment

Knee problems teller chondromalacia it’s a chronic knee pain due to softening of the cartilage beneath the kneecap the calculators will have erosions from mild to complete in the back of the kneecap pain in the front of the knee

It appears more in young patients becomes worse from climbing up and down stairs treatment usually therapy you may give Nana strudel surgery is rare the tiller bursitis pain and inflammation located over the front of the kneecap the bursa becomes inflamed and fills with fluid at the top of the knee so you find swelling and pain and tenderness and a lump at the top of the kneecap.

This is a normal knee without ligament injury you can see the medial and lateral collateral ligament and the ACL in the middle of the knee example of any injury you can see the lateral collateral ligament injured it usually occurs as a result of sports activities this is the medial collateral ligament rupture it is an injury to the ligament on the inner part of the knee.

Knee Pain Diagnosis

It is the most commonly injured knee ligament ACL ligament tear it involves valgus is stress to the knee usually the patient will have swelling and hematoma Lockman test is positive and the MRI is diagnostic patellar tendonitis inflammation and pain located inferior to the kneecap area.

Meniscal tear is a medial meniscus and this is the lateral meniscus the inner part of the meniscus is lacking blood supply and this area cannot heal by itself the outer area of the meniscus is rich in blood supply if there is any peripheral tear in this area and the tear is sutured.

Knee Pain Reasons

•       It can heal the meniscus is the cushion that protected cartilage of the knee injury will cause pain on the medial or the lateral side of the knee the most specific sign is pain at the joint line itself the outer 30% of the meniscus is H and blood supply the tail presents itself with a history of lacking swelling and instability of the knee.

•       McMurray test is usually positive MRI is very helpful our fight is of the knee is characterized by progressive wearing away of the cartilage of the joint they need the most common part of the body that’s mostly affected by arthritis and you find that the joint space gets narrowed.

•       Baker cyst is swelling in the back of the knee filled with synovial fluid the bacon cyst is usually between the semimembranosus and the medial gas work here is an example of the axial cut in the MRI showing the Baker cyst in the back of the knee gout is inflammatory arthritis caused by an excessive level of uric acid it can affect any joint in the body especially the big toe Chris shall look like needles and have a negative by fringe.

Knee Pain While Climbing:

knee pain on stair climbing or while getting down from the stair is very common in a young age that is around 30 years and the common cause of this knee pain is a pain in the front part of the knee under the patella bone that kneecap bone so that lining of that particular bone gets softened or sometimes mild erosion and that gives Pains typically

•       when you climb stairs when you get down from the stairs or when you get down from the floor or from the chair the common cause of this Pain is obesity overweight

•       second is a lot of exertion

•       third is nutrition when you have prolonged dietary deficiency of vitamin d and that could lead to early cartilage Erosion and that gives a lot of pain so

what to do:

The first thing we have to confirm is by consulting an orthopedic surgeon and after diagnosing it we start certain Treatment.


•       First you have to avoid sitting on the floor avoid running avoid staircase avoid squatting.

•       second thing we should work on reducing weight.

•       third is we give some anti-inflammatory medication.

•       fourth we use some medication to increase your joint lubrication or we call it cartilage regeneration like collagen peptide this is the common treatment if pain still persists then sometimes you have to analyze further do your MRI scan to see how much the cartilage damage and then decide whether you require some lubricating injection in your knee joint this is all about this knee pain in a younger patient.

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