The opioid epidemic has gripped the entire globe in the past decade. Yet, it seems like there have been no solutions in sight up to this point. We can do our part to make sure that we slow down this epidemic through various measures, with drug testing in workplace environments being one approach. Whether you know it or not, this can be a major step in addressing drug issues employees may be having.
We will be discussing the role of drug testing and how it can help to slow down the opioid epidemic. Let’s review some of the details you should know.
The prevention of workplace drug abuse
As the saying goes: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Making sure that workplace drug testing kits are rolled out in the business on a regular basis will help ensure not just workplace safety, but also prevent future incidents related to opioids, such as an overdose. A consistent drug testing program will help deter drug abuse in the workplace before it becomes a critical issue.
Industries such as construction, healthcare and transport need to be aware of the safety implications that may arise with opioid abuse. A person who may be uninhibited by opioid use poses a safety hazard, which causes a risk not only to themselves, but also to their co-workers, customers and clients. The fact that 40 percent of industrial accidents in the UK have been associated with substance abuse is daunting.
Identify affected individuals and create support opportunities
Drug testing is not only useful in prevention, but it can be key in the early identification of affected individuals. Both regular and random drug tests have the ability to reveal patterns of opioid abuse. This can enable you to offer support opportunities to the affected employee. This can be a remarkable alternative compared to employment termination due to their addiction, which, in turn, could make things worse.
Recognise that addiction is a disease that is treatable. As an employer, you can also do your part to ensure that the affected employee gets the help and treatment they need. This can include treatment as well as counselling. You can refer them to one of the UK addiction treatment centres in or around your local area as well as any available resources.
Drug testing can save lives — will you do your part?
Drug testing provides an excellent early detection tool for any opioid problems that your employees may have. The sooner such issues are spotted, the better. It can also allow you to set an example on how to slow down the opioid crisis that has been sweeping the globe for many years. Do your part to make sure that your employees are healthy, able to perform their tasks, and if necessary, that they get the help they need if they are struggling with opioid addiction.