New models of COVID-19 case data indicate the U.S. has a sharp continual increase of cases overall compared to other countries with similar population density. Of the 25 countries studied, the U.S. leads each country, bringing the U.S. to the forefront of this pandemic since its first confirmed case in January.
While the U.S. accounts for only 4% of the world’s population, the country leads with 34% (1,244,199 as of May 7) of confirmed COVID-19 cases and a 28% (78,844 as of May 7) death rate. Case-by-case studies indicate that 0.37% of Americans have been infected by the virus, this is a .02% increase from Italy, the third highest country of confirmed COVID-19 cases globally.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. has also recorded higher weekly flu deaths than 2019. Experts and data suggest the flu season, beginning in December and lasting up to May, peaked in mid-March this year. Total deaths in 2020 by Week 16 was 7,540 compared to 5,991 deaths in 2019 Week 16.
The characteristics of COVID-19 and the seasonal flu are similar with the primary difference of the incubation period. The seasonal flu incubation period is three days, while COVID-19 incubation period is five to six days. Contagion risk is increasingly higher during these timeframes, as most are asymptomatic, making COVID-19 more contagious.
Community spread accounts for the primary attribute of the U.S. high confirmed case count. Hotspot areas including New York and California continue lockdown, contact tracing and social-distancing efforts to control spread. Knowing the symptoms assist in stopping disease spread and protect high-risk communities such as immunosuppressed and the elderly.
Facts are more important than ever and there is a lot of misinformation in the world. To help with this issue Dr. Jeremy Bennett, professor at The Citadel, and Carlos Crameri, entrepreneur and CEO of Curious Check, created Facts Not Opinions where the data is not tampered with to reach a predetermined conclusion and does not have a political agenda.
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