While marijuana is currently illegal for recreational use in Ireland, the country is surprisingly liberal when it comes to CBD, HHC, and medical cannabis, which are legal. In fact, Ireland is moving to take advantage of the economic opportunities that industrial hemp opens.
With the rising popularity of cannabidiol (CBD) and Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC), for their health and therapeutic benefits, there’s an increased interest in their legality all over the world. Ireland has a rather nuanced regulatory framework surrounding CBD and HHC, which reflects an ongoing global conversation about cannabis-derived products.
The Basics of CBD and HHC
To better understand the regulation of cannabis products, it’s important to look at how Ireland classifies and regulates the plant.
Cannabidiol is one of the hundreds of cannabinoids present in cannabis. CBD can be obtained from the cannabis or hemp plant in such a way that it’s isolated from other cannabinoids, including THC, which is the psychoactive element in cannabis. Separating it from THC means that the user can enjoy the benefits of marijuana without experiencing the “high”.
CBD products generally don’t get you high, which makes them preferable for most people. In fact, this is why CBD has been gaining popularity in the last few decades. When CBD is isolated, it’s added to a carrier oil to make CBD oil, along with other products.
The legality of CBD in Ireland
CBD is legal under the Irish Misuse of Drugs Law. However, it’s still not recognised as a medical product by the Irish Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA). What this means is that you can’t make health claims regarding CBD oil and its other derivatives in Ireland. It also doesn’t make it illegal.
Again, CBD is perfectly legal in Ireland. You only need to label it as a food supplement or a food flavouring product. Just be careful to stay away from medicinal or health claims. Plus, you need to make sure that your CBD oil is produced from hemp, and not from marijuana, and that it’s extracted in ways that are legal in the EU.
Importing and selling CBD comes with its own sets of nuances. The laws surrounding CBD are continually evolving, and experience shows that selling and importing CBD products containing THC is still a challenge in Ireland. This is mainly due to how the different regulatory bodies interpret CBD laws.
The FSAI (Food Safety Authority of Ireland) permits the sale of cold-pressed hemp oil containing THC, so long as it’s within the permitted limits. The problem is that these days, most CBD oils are not cold-pressed. Keep in mind that apart from THC, other cannabinoids are also considered controlled substances in Ireland. CBD products should not contain CBN content above 0.2%.
Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) is a synthetic cannabinoid that has gained attention for its potential therapeutic effects. HHC is one of the group of substances referred to as intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoids (IHDCs), which are psychoactive compounds naturally present in the cannabis plant.
HHC is synthesised from CBD derived from hemp plants, with naturally low levels of THC. HHC products can be smoked, ingested, or inhaled, and have seen an increasing demand in the last few years. The legal status of HHC in Ireland is less clear-cut compared to CBD.
The legality of HHC in Ireland
HHC products are legal in Ireland, as they typically don’t contain high levels of THC. Additionally, HHC and similar products derived from hemp generally operate in a grey area in both Ireland and Europe, since they are both natural and semi-synthetic.
HHC is not specifically regulated in Ireland. However, Ireland’s Misuse of Drugs Acts broadly classifies synthetic cannabinoids as controlled substances. Therefore, HHC may be subject to legal restrictions, and its status may evolve based on legislative changes. For instance, while the sale and distribution of HHC is legal in Ireland, the sellers must comply with the general food safety regulations.
The legal status of cannabinoids, including synthetic ones like HHC, can change as governments update drug regulations. Therefore, individuals interested in HHC should stay informed about any legislative developments that may impact its legality.
Some Good News
Ireland is in the process of legalising recreational marijuana. Plans are underway to amend the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977 with the introduction of the Cannabis Regulation Bill 2022. This may ultimately result in the legalisation of recreational marijuana in the future.
This would mean that CBD products containing THC will be much easier to buy and sell. Moreover, the likelihood of being penalized for CBD and HHC products will be significantly lower. Nonetheless, CBD and HHC products are still in a grey area right now, and you need to prepare properly before buying HHC products or CBD oil.
As of now CBD and HHC products remain legal, so long as they contain less than 0.2% THC, and are not labelled as health products. You can easily obtain these products at hiddencbd.ie.