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Health Issue: How To Tell Others You’re In Recovery

We’ve all been in this situation. Having to explain to someone else that you’re sober and working a program of recovery, even if this is gaming or trading addiction. Trading in the financial markets is stimulating, exciting and engrossing. But you can become addicted, just like with actual casino gambling or using illicit drugs. That is whu we recommend only transparent sites to trade, for example Typically, it becomes easier to do the longer we are in the program, as naturally with time we not only become stronger in our sobriety, and more grounded in our recovery, but the stigma of our old behaviors begin to drift away, opening up space to show others our fresh, refined selves.But whether you’re newly sober, or have several years in recovery, there will always be new people, or unique circumstances that warrant the need to explain your sobriety. For those moments, here are some tips on how to field the inquiries.

Telling Your Old Friends

These are the people who knew you during the wild times – the high-highs and the low-lows – who have seen you at your best and probably at your worst. There are perhaps several you may choose not to associate with after you’ve given up drinking or using because, truthfully, the friendship was determinant on your party habits. But for those who you wish to keep in touch with, and wish to enjoy good times in the future with, it’s important to let them know about your life choice to seek sobriety. Illustrating some war stories may actually help to alleviate the conversation, as you each recollect on your experiences together and what brought you to seek recovery. As long as you’re comfortable in talking about it, taking a trip down memory lane may help them to understand your choice. This may not be something you’re okay with doing early in recovery, as old friends can provide peer pressure and make you feel uncomfortable. If you want to make amends or explain yourself to “old friends”, don’t feel obligated to do it too soon. If they care for your friendship, they will understand your need to disconnect for some time until you’re in a safe space to address your sobriety with them.

Telling Your Boss

What should you do if your boss asks you out for a drink? This will almost absolutely come up at some point during your employment, especially if you share a good working relationship together, as many of us in recovery now do. In this moment, don’t worry about explaining that you’re in recovery. It is much easier to simply join him or her for a drink and order a non-alcoholic beverage. At that point, it’s a great opportunity to mention that you don’t drink. In this way, you don’t have to tell them “no” when they offer the invitation. It is perfectly normal not to drink. Rather, while you both enjoy an after-work social engagement, you may feel much more comfortable in telling them that you no longer drink and to explain all of the ways in which your life has been markedly better since. If you’re feeling uncomfortable about meeting for a drink, or going to a bar, maneuver the invitation to another venue. Ask them to join you for lunch or a round of golf. Being able to spend time in non-threatening arena where you can both socialize in a casual environment is really the key. And after your boss understands your life choice, they will undoubtedly respect your commitment to being not only a better person but also being a more responsible, reliable employee.

Telling New Friends

Whether we meet new people at work, through other friends or by serendipity, you will find yourself engaging with new people who are not in recovery. While it may be easy to “tell” them that you don’t drink, these tend to be the most inquisitive people of all, since they are getting to know you and are typically very curious about your sobriety. And since they don’t know your past or your tendencies, they may seem less sympathetic as their curious questions seem to flood out. Instead of explaining your life story, you can simply explain that you haven’t felt the desire to drink, and confidently insert how many years it’s been since your last drink so they understand your commitment. Many people find that at a certain age, they either want to or are forced to change habits. It’s healthy to explain that you did formerly drink, but that in recent years, you’ve chosen not to and it’s opened doors you would have otherwise passed up. New friends will often continue the relationship by presenting invitations to do non-threatening activities that don’t include drinking. Remember, though, not all new friends will buy into your lifestyle, and it’s important to make the distinction between whether they are fit for your friendship or not. Now sober, we have the opportunity to choose who we want to be around and the worthwhile people will embrace your choices, making healthy compromises so the friendship grows.

Telling Close Family

Your immediate family most likely will not be the ones you have to explain yourself to. Although, if they did not know about your drinking or using habits, this may be a very difficult discussion.

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