
The Essential Guide on How to Get Rid of Fungal Acne

Fungal acne can be nasty to deal with. In your search for “how to get rid of fungal acne”, you are likely to find a lot about this fungal acne treatment or fungal acne on the face. A light therapy device may prove to be one of the most effective methods. But learn all that you can about fungal acne here first.

What is Fungal Acne?

Start by knowing “what does fungal acne look like?” There is a difference in fungal acne vs bacterial acne. Is there a way how to know if you have fungal acne? Acne won’t go away. You need to know what it is to start.

From there, you need to know how to treat it. Know what the causes are, what the symptoms are, and how to prevent it. Only then can you successfully combat fungal acne and live a healthier, happier life than ever before.

What Causes Fungal Acne?

Know fungal acne symptoms, especially fungal acne on your face. You may see fungal acne on your forehead, fungal acne on your cheeks, or elsewhere. But what causes them to happen? Here are the most common factors.

Trapped moisture is one of the leading causes. If you are sweaty after a workout, wearing the same clothes for a long time, it can encourage yeast growth. Re-wearing those sweaty clothes can also expose you to fungi that may have grown on the clothes since the last use.

Medication can play a role, too. Perhaps you noticed an uptick in acne after beginning  medication. When taking medication, it can reduce the bacteria on your skin, which allows for a potential overgrowth of fungus.

Changes in your diet can have a major impact, too. If you eat a lot of carbohydrates, for instance, yeast and fungi feed on them. Balance out your intake of carb-heavy foods. Doing so can slow down fungi growth and combat fungal acne.

Moisture in the air can play a role, too. If you live in a really humid climate, it makes sweating more likely. When you sweat and wear tight clothing, you don’t have the airflow needed to keep your skin dry. When too much moisture is allowed to fester on your skin, you are much more likely to develop fungal acne.

How to Treat Fungal Acne?

Thankfully, there are more than a few ways that you can treat fungal acne should it arise. One of the most effective ways is to shower a little more. If you live in a humid area, sweating is going to happen. You can only do so much at that point.

Daily Routine to Treat Fungal Acne

A fungal acne routine can be a great acne treatment for men in particular. There are antimicrobial scrubs that can help to combat and alleviate your acne. It takes regular work and a little bit of patience to work.

So, you may be wondering “how long does it take for acne to go away” or “does acne go away?” The answer is that it takes time and depends on the person. Each of us has our own unique makeup that can dictate how long it takes for acne to go away.

Through consistent treatment, frequent showering, and improved airflow, you can combat fungal acne. The key is to not let it get out of control first. Combatting a serious fungal acne issue can be a lot harder than preventing it in the first place.

Light Therapy Acne Spot Treatment

Look into red light therapy pros and cons before you try broadband light therapy, a Neutrogena light therapy acne mask, Neutrogena light therapy acne spot treatment, or Neutrogena light therapy in general.

It is not necessarily a treatment for everyone. That said, light therapy is showing real promise for skin care as a whole. If you have fungal acne on a regular basis, it may be possible to use light therapy to combat and treat it.

How to Prevent Fungal Acne

Fungal acne is no joke. Dermatologists can help you prevent acne scarring. Use an oil free sunscreen (or oil free products in general). Make sure to nourish your body as well. Complete nutrition and nutrition therapy can go a long way in combatting fungal acne.

Make sure that you wear loose-fitting clothing. When you have better airflow over your body, less moisture sticks to your skin. When there is less moisture on your skin, there is less of a chance of fungi building up.

You can also try to shower on a more consistent basis. If you live in a more humid area, this may be the best solution because sweating is definitely going to happen on a regular basis. Showering keeps your skin clean and prevents fungi from growing.

The final prevention option is an over-the-counter anti-fungal. Those are more powerful methods for treating and killing bacteria and fungi. Ideally, you would use a variety of other methods before arriving to this step. OTC treatments can get expensive quickly and also require an extra step in your routine.

The simple fact is that you likely need to combine methods to effectively prevent fungal acne. Even with these methods, genetics can overrule it all. Then you would need to implement any number of treatment methods to get the job done.


Fungal acne is quite common, unfortunately. Thankfully, there are more than a few ways to treat it. Prevention is certainly key, and you can do quite a few things to improve your health overall, let alone your skin health.

Fungal acne is not the worst thing in the world. There are definitely worse things to contend with but it can have a major impact on your confidence and self-esteem. Know how it starts, what causes it, and what you can do about it.

With that knowledge, you can tackle the problem successfully. More importantly, you can move forward with your life in confidence and know-how to get rid of that pesky problem before it starts.

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