Dental emergencies can be extremely uncomfortable, frightening, and painful. When faced with a dental crisis, such as an unexpected toothache, a fractured tooth, or a knocked-out tooth, being prepared can help preserve your smile and ease your agony. Determining which dental issues are emergencies might be challenging due of the wide variety of dental concerns. In more severe situations, delaying your visit to the dentist by one day may be the difference between keeping your tooth or losing it.
What is an Emergency Dentist?
An emergency dentist such as Emergency Dental Clinic Dublin is a general dentist with emergency training. They are licensed and certified after earning their Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry. While emergency dentists may also maintain private practices in dental offices, they reserve specific times to attend to dental emergencies. Most emergency dentists are available on call.
They might be called upon in a hospital’s emergency room to treat patients who have been involved a car accident, fallen, or are experiencing any other type of physical discomfort. These days, the majority of dentists offer emergency dental services in conjunction with their dental practice as well. You need to contact your emergency dentist as soon as possible if you have a dental emergency. If you don’t have one, find out who is available by calling the nearest emergency dental office.
What to Expect from an Emergency Dentist?
Emergency dentists have undergone training to treat a variety of dental issues and can give you the care you need to minimise discomfort and safeguard your oral health. The dentist will evaluate your condition and recommend the best course of action during your emergency appointment. The emergency dentist has to know about all of your symptoms in order to recommend and provide the appropriate treatment. They’ll probably examine your mouth physically and take x-rays.
Sometimes, the only thing provided in emergency dental care is pain medication and guidance on the best home practices to care for your teeth. Severe situations may necessitate more extensive treatment like tooth extraction or root canal. Regardless of the kind of emergency dental care you require, an emergency dentist can offer the right treatment you require to preserve your oral health.
You shouldn’t expect to receive free dental care at the emergency dentist unless you have emergency dental insurance. In fact, unless it’s your family dentist, you must have your entire medical history and complete insurance paperwork before you go for a visit.
Emergency Dental Care
Situations involving dental emergencies might become potentially fatal. An emergency dentist may prescribe antibiotics, painkillers, and anti-inflammatory medications to lessen your symptoms and treat the infection. If you are undergoing dental pain or problems but are unsure whether you should reach out to an emergency dentist, here are top signs you should seek out emergency dental care.
Chipped or Broken Tooth
Accidents occur, and breaking or chipping a tooth can be both uncomfortable and painful. If you’ve experienced a broken or fractured tooth, it is advised that you use warm salt water to rinse your mouth in order to assist clean the gums and ease pain. After this, try to put any remaining tooth fragment back in its socket. If that isn’t feasible, store it in a milk container or saliva. Use a cool compress to ease discomfort and swelling, and schedule an appointment with your dentist right away for expert care.
Severe Toothache
A toothache is among the most agonizing pains a person may experience. A toothache can start off suddenly or gradually worsen as time lapses. If you are suffering from a severe toothache, begin with cleansing your mouth with warm water. Then use gentle flossing to get rid of any trapped material that might be the source of your pain. Aspirin or any other medication should not be applied directly to the gum tissues since this can result in chemical burns. You shouldn’t put off taking care of this problem until your next visit because it might be the root of something more serious.
Abscess or Gum Infections
A painful infection in the gums or around the tooth is called an abscess. Possible symptoms include severe discomfort, edema, an unpleasant taste in your mouth, and even a fever. If you think you may have an abscess it’s integral that you seek professional dental care right away. Use warm saltwater to rinse your mouth in order to assist alleviate the pain and remove part of the infection. If your gums are bleeding, you need to consult with an emergency dentist immediately to check the problem area for any indications of a larger problem.
Mouth Tastes Like Pennies
When you taste metal in your mouth, it’s usually an indication that the filling or crown is loose. For this reason, it’s critical to get emergency dental care because an exposed filling may invite cavities and infections. If you wait too long, it will increase the likelihood of needing a root canal to resolve the issue.
Objects Lodged Between Teeth
If something gets lodged between your teeth, use dental floss to remove it carefully. Avoid using sharp things since they might cause harm to your teeth and gums. If you cannot remove the object, or if you are experiencing discomfort, consult with your dentist for help.
When you encounter any dental crisis, it’s critical that you remain calm and get expert assistance as soon as possible. Keep in mind that the best way to avoid dental emergencies is through prevention. Maintaining proper oral hygiene and scheduling routine dental exams can help reduce your chances of experiencing dental emergencies.